The Best Virtual Event?

Virtual events have been hit and miss if you feel anything like we do. Some are so unengaging and from a vendor perspective offer much less interaction with attendees.

Some vendors have nailed it though and SmileBack is one of those.

Just see the 2 quotes below for evidence:

We’re so excited to be hosting Remote Connect 2.0 for the MSP community! We loved the warmth, energy and all the great insights shared (as well as the actual magic!) at the first one, and we think the second time around it’s going to be even better.

Andrew Wallace, SmileBack Managing Director

If you're looking for a positive, upbeat, glimpse of a brighter future, where you'll be surrounded by people who will energise, educate and lift your MSP business up -- then make sure to be a part of Remote Connect 2.0! I can say without hesitation that participating in Remote Connect 1.0 was one of the most fun experiences I had during lockdown! When SmileBack asked me to participate in Remote Connect 2.0, I jumped at the chance. :-)

Richard Tubb, TubbBlog and MSP Guru

We will be there, alongside a host of other friendly faces. No sales involved, simply thought leadership, magicians and good fun.

Register Here

Jason Kemsley